Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Under 50 word Reviews

Occasionally I will put up an under 50 word review of a film. Why so short? I don't like to preach, I can usually some up my opinion of a film in that amount of time. Plus it encourages me to only put important info into that space. Anyone can comment there own opinion but don't expect me to argue to heavy. I enjoy alot of films and the only way to have an opinion is to watch everything. The good, bad and whatever Uwe Boll is trying to accomplish. Here's a Under 50 Word example.


Story about three different people telling the same tale through there own eyes. Major problem, each story doesn’t seem entirely that different. Sword fighting almost seems silly in parts. Seven Samurai is 3 hours and 45 minutes long and Rashomon still feels longer.

Look forward to them.

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