Wednesday, October 14, 2009

50 Word Review - Scarface (1932)

Probably the darkest film made for it's time. Story dealing with prohibition and the wealth and greed that comes with it. It's also a unique interpretation of immigrant life in early New York. Paul Muni lights up the screen and his and Borris Karloff’s feud in this film is legendary.

50 Word Review - Death Race 2000

A cult classic from the 70's dealing with another Big Brother version of the future. Except this one plays off the comedy of it and makes for a fantastic thrill ride of bad puns and sweet sweet action. David Carradine works magic in the lead role. Stalone plays Stalone.

50 Word Review - Taken

Action. Neeson. Action. Nesson. Action. Nesson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Nesson. Action. Nesson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Nesson. Action. Nesson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Nesson. Action. Nesson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson. Action. Nesson. Action.
Nesson. Action. Neeson. Action. Neeson.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

50 Word Review - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Created the PG-13 rating and never stops to delve into overgorifying it, instead the pacing is spot on, the set designs rival the best of Lucas’s 3D attempts at background and the title of the film serves as the best summary for the film.

50 Word Review - The Deer Hunter

First act. A group of friends at home. Second act, group of friends in Vietnam, Third act, group of friends back home to deal with the aftermath of Vietnam. A powerful version of American life during wartime. Deniro rarely disappoints. A true American classic.